Running Injury Treatment

Active PT & Sports

Running Injury Treatment

Get a FREE Pain Or Injury Screening

A free pain or injury screening gives you the opportunity to meet with one of our physical therapists at no charge. Learn more about your condition, get a fast assessment of the severity, and learn treatment options.

Running injuries occur for a variety of reasons and often take a while to improve. Our team at ActivePT will determine the cause of your pain and teach you how to help prevent future injuries. Our running injury treatment plan typically does not require you to stop running. We simply modify your current training program, shoes, and running form to get you back to your performance goals.

ActivePT has become known for our treatment of runners and running-related injuries. Some common injuries we see include:

  • Foot and ankle injuries (plantar fasciitis, heel pain, metatarsalgia, Achilles tendinitis, ankle sprains, and shin splints)
  • Knee injuries (runners knee, IT Band syndrome, patellofemoral syndrome)
  • Back, buttock and hip pain (lumbar, SI joint, piriformis syndrome, IT Band syndrome, hip bursitis, labral tears, and, hip impingement syndrome)
  • Rib pain (inhalation and exhalation rib dysfunctions)
  • Sprains, strains, and pain from degenerating joints and cartilage

Reduce the Risk of Future Running Injuries

Improper shoe choice can lead to pain or problems during your training runs. Correct shoe choice is key for runners. Your running shoes must be specific to your mileage, pace, strength, control, and most important, your anatomy. All running shoes are designed differently and it is hard to know which brand is right for your foot.

While many shoe examinations by non-medical personnel can show you whether you move correctly or not, they may not pinpoint WHY. Our physical therapists can assess your foot anatomy and running form to help determine the right type of shoe based for you. Our running specialists will consider your mileage, strength, flexibility, your hip, knee and foot structure when determining the best shoe for you. Our comprehensive shoe assessments are free and take only 15 minutes. We encourage all runners and active people to take advantage of this free service.

Running Injury Treatment

Take Your Running to the Next Level

If you are looking to take your running to the next level, check out our running performance packages. Choose from four levels to match your individual goals. Our RRCA certified running coaches can everyone from beginners to seasoned athletes maximize their race time.

Team Up With a Reputable Shoe Source

Improper shoe choice can lead to pain or problems during your training runs. Correct shoe choice is key for runners. We encourage those training for a race or walking/running regularly for exercise to use a reputable shoe provider with staff trained in running-related injuries.  Ask us for recommendations today. 

Contact Us Today for a FREE 15 Minute Screening

Clinicians who help with Running Injury Treatment

Our clinical team focuses on your goals to help you achieve success.  The team includes physical therapists and physical therapy assistants who are specially trained to help get you back to the life you love.  Many of our clinicians are board certified orthopedic clinical specialists.  We don’t just hand you a packet of exercises and expect you to fix yourself.  Instead, we provide a hands-on approach to care in order to get you the best possible results.  When you receive care from one of our clinicians, we hope to exceed your expectations. 

Get Help With Running Injury Treatment

Get help from a specialist that understands running injuries. Our physical therapists that specialize in treating running injuries understand the unique demands and goals of runners. As runners, we are passionate about helping you continue to train and see you cross the finish line for that goal race or PR. We work with you to keep you running, whenever possible. Schedule a free 15-minute screening to meet with one of our specialists and get your questions answered today.

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Schedule a FREE 15-minute screening to meet with one of our specialists and get your questions answered today.

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