Could Your Headaches Be Jaw Related?
If you suffer from headaches and jaw pain the two may be connected. Mild headaches can make it hard to concentrate and severe headaches can make work or school impossible. The International...
If you suffer from headaches and jaw pain the two may be connected. Mild headaches can make it hard to concentrate and severe headaches can make work or school impossible. The International...
Does your jaw click or pop when you yawn, chew food, or open your mouth? Clicking or popping in your jaw can make you feel uneasy, but may not be painful. Over time, your jaw clicking may improve...
By Jake Hoeppner, DPT, OCS, Cert. DN, Cert. SMT Working from home is the new normal for many. Our patients describe everything from low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, jaw tension, and...
Those who suffer from problems related to the jaw know that it’s no joke. Pain related to the jaw joint and muscles surrounding the joint can cause a long list of symptoms, including headaches,...